Invitación: Conferencia Final INCLUD-ED

Estimados compañeros y compañeras,

Desde el equipo de Comunidades de Aprendizaje CREA-UB os hacemos llegar la información sobre la Conferencia Final del Proyecto INCLUD-ED Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education que tendrá lugar el próximo día 6 de diciembre en el Parlamento Europeo en Bruselas. Después de estos 5 años en los que se ha desarrollado el proyecto, ahora tenemos la oportunidad de que las actuaciones educativas de éxito lleguen a todos los niños y niñas de Europa, a sus escuelas y a sus barrios.

Aunque la conferencia será en inglés, habrá traducción simultánea al español. La asistencia debe confirmarse en la siguiente dirección:

A continuación, os presentamos la información completa. Ante cualquier duda puede contactar con


Equipo de Comunidades de Aprendizaje CREA-UB

Conference in the Paul-Henri Spaak Building


December 6, 2011

With this letter I would like to invite you to the debate about the policies which based on scientific evidence are already taking successful steps towards social inclusion in Europe. INCLUD-ED Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education project (2006-2011), is the study on schooling and social inclusion (employment, health, housing and participation) with more resources and scientific status ever funded under the European Framework Programmes of Research. The FINAL INCLUD-ED CONFERENCE will take place in the European Parliament, at the Paul-Henri Spaak Building (Brussels) on December the 6th between 1:30pm and 5:50pm. At the midterm INCLUD-ED Conference, also held at the European Parliament, the room was full. For this Final Conference, the room has a capacity of 300 seats and registration is necessary to obtain the credential to access the European Parliament and to reserve the seat. Attached you can find the provisional programme.

I have previously directed the Workalo project from the 5th Framework Programme of Research. We held our last meeting at the European Parliament in September 2004. In that case, many of the scientific evidences that we presented served as the basis to political resolutions and statements, at European and also at a national level. For instance, a 2005 European Parliament resolution on the recognition of the Roma people in Europe was approved by unanimous vote, and several Member States also approved these results in their national parliaments and developed policies based on them.

If you wish to receive further information about the INCLUD-ED project, its results or the Final Conference, please do not hesitate to contact us.

You can find more information about the conference at:

For registration:


Dr. Ramón Flecha García

Main researcher of INCLUD-ED